ITS Strategic Plan

Appendix A: Major Projects

View list of ACCJC Accreditation Standards →

Security Awareness Training

Initiative 5: Strengthen resilience to cyberattacks and other threats

Reduce reputational risk, Strengthen user knowledgebase and responsibility.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 3.1, 3.10

Infrastructure Improvements

Initiative 1: Create immersive teaching and learning experiences
Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience
Initiative 4: Expand and optimize support for employees
Initiative 6: Support continuous improvement of District Strategic Plan

Continue to enhance wireless and wired data infrastructure as well as increase bandwidth, scalability, and resiliency in order to support access to information, hybrid learning, collaboration, administrative efficiency, innovation, and student engagement. Continuing to modernize and improve the stability, usability, capability, and capacity of campus network services, including core and building networking, Wi-Fi infrastructure, Wi-Fi device connectivity, campus firewall, and district-wide VPN and access control to wired and wireless network.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 3.9, 3.10

Improve Disaster Recovery

Initiative 3: Enhance operational efficiency through strategic planning and cost optimization
Initiative 5: Strengthen resilience to cyberattacks and other threats

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

Student MFA

Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience
Initiative 5: Strengthen resilience to cyberattacks and other threats

Attain academic and professional excellence.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 3.1, 3.3, 3.9, 3.10

New ITS Service Desk

Initiative 3: Enhance operational efficiency through strategic planning and cost optimization.
Initiative 4: Expand and optimize support for employees

Optimization of staff resourcing while also improving staff response time, increasing user access to ITS resources resulting in improved user satisfaction and experience.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 3.1, 3.4

Student Housing

Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience
Initiative 6: Support continuous improvement of District Strategic Plan

Ensures SMCCCD’s committed to being a leader in supporting student learning and student success and sustaining open access to higher education. SMCCCD is a welcoming environment where a diversity of students is supported to pursue and attain academic and professional excellence.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 2.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10

Banner 9

Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience
Initiative 4: Expand and optimize support for employees

Provide enterprise-wide administrative system supporting cross business unit integrations and data integrity all within the framework of collaboration. Additionally, the solution helps drive and provide the institution to ability to make the necessary data drive decisions in support of students and staff.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 2.1, 3.9

Vision Aligned Reporting

Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience
Initiative 3: Enhance operational efficiency through strategic planning and cost optimization

The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has developed a new program reporting process designed to transform data collection and strengthen equitable student outcomes. This reporting will be supported by the SSL with new tracking, reporting, dashboards, etc. based on program reporting requirements.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 2.4, 2.7, 2.8

Enhance Classroom Technology

Initiative 1: Create immersive teaching and learning experiences
Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience

Implement technology upgrades and enhancements across campus for consistent hybrid or multimodal learning experiences. Initiatives involve creating turnkey hybrid meeting spaces and self-service support systems, upgrading classroom technology, improving student and instructor classroom experiences, and implementing course capture and conference room upgrades. The focus is leveraging commonalities to develop a unified, service-based support model across the colleges.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4

Virtual Desktop & Application

Initiative 1: Create immersive teaching and learning experiences
Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience

Offer a flexible and security mobile work or learning environment through virtual desktop and application delivery. Virtual desktops will offer true mobility, allowing faculty and students to access their desktops or applications from anywhere. This flexibility enables users to exploit full-function applications with the power of a desktop, regardless of their location, facilitating remote course work and increasing productivity.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4

Implement Teams/Zoom Collaboration Environment

Initiative 1: Create immersive teaching and learning experiences
Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience
Initiative 3: Enhance operational efficiency through strategic planning and cost optimization
Initiative 4: Expand and optimize support for employees

Enables district the capability to provide multi-modal training and communication. As a derivative, such tools increase efficiency, user satisfaction (ability to work remotely), and help the institution adjust and be flexible to user, state, and federal demands.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4

Improve Inventory Control

Initiative 3: Enhance operational efficiency through strategic planning and cost optimization
Initiative 5: Strengthen resilience to cyberattacks and other threats

As the district expands and re-images its technical footprint, the district, projects must be tech debt centric (capital costs, redundancy of similar functionality, and adherence to district, state, and federal guidelines).

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

Form in the SSL

Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience
Initiative 3: Enhance operational efficiency through strategic planning and cost optimization

Enhance College and District Forms by moving forms into the SSL from a variety of sources (ex: paper, FormStack, Banner, etc.). Forms will be available to students in the SSL Student Portal, include workflow processes, approval proceses, and automation.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 2.4, 2.7, 2.9

Financial Aid in SSL

Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience
Initiative 3: Enhance operational efficiency through strategic planning and cost optimization

Enhance forms, processes, and automated messages for requirements. Manual processing of Cal Grant, Scholarships, Golden State Education and Training Grant program; Consumer Information compliance and Blue Icon Audit report implementation, Academic Works integration.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 1.2, 1.4, 2.4

Student Services Ticketing System

Initiative 2: Elevate the student experience
Initiative 3: Enhance operational efficiency through strategic planning and cost optimization

Optimization of staff resourcing while also improving staff response time, increasing user access to ITS resources resulting in improved user satisfaction and experience.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 2.4, 3.4

Data Warehouse Modernization

Initiative 3: Enhance operational efficiency through strategic planning and cost optimization
Initiative 6: Support continuous improvement of District Strategic Plan

Enables the district to increase its ability to be data-drive for decisions and its user's experience. Additionally, modernization of the warehouse optimizes the district's strategic investment and tech debt.

District Strategic Goals:

Accreditation: 3.6, 3.7, 3.9